Tuesday, April 1, 2008

March Monthly Summary

The more I do this blog/journal, the more I want to make it more running specific, rather than just a journal as I originally intended. Running is a big part of my life and as I've been doing is consistently for the past 7 years. I feel that I have a fairly good understanding of some of the concepts related to training and nutritions. I think over time this may be converted into more of a running blog that will have sprinkles of other things in my life added. If anyone ever reads this (highly unlikely) and is interested in how I train, wants my advice or has any questions (even less likely) feel free to let me know and I'll see what I can do. With that said, as another month has come to a close, I'll post my monthly information.

During March, my monthly time and distance on my feel increased from about 180 to well over 200. However, my time in the gym is definitely lacking. There is some strength training during my speed sessions on Tuesday, but time devoted strictly to strength training is lacking a bit.

For the year, I'm average right around 200 miles and 4 hours in the gym a month. The distance isn't bad, but the gym definitely needs some upping. For me averaging 2oo miles a month is up there pretty good. Most of these miles are "base" miles so the added distance hasn't been taking a huge toll on my body.

I weigh myself daily using the Tanita BC554 Ironman InnerScan Body Composition Monitor Elite. Below are my totals for March. It appears that the 50 mile weeks are taking their toll (for the better and worse) on my strength, weight and fat. Not that you have anything to compare it to, but you'll have to trust me. I am a lot lighter and weaker then I was 1 year ago.

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